2007, What is new about it?

Where-ever I go, whom-ever I meet; the question that pops up is – “Hey! What are you doing for new year?” or “What’s plan for new years eve?”

A decade ago New Year was welcome in all parts of the globe just as a New Year; start of a new series of days, weeks, months of a calendar. Today it is more of a celebration time at the arrival of a New Year. There is countdown and celebration for the arrival of New Year with dance, music, eat-out … masti.

The general tendency is to take up resolutions on a New Year. There are many of us who do not disclose our resolutions with others – “Aren’t resolutions made to be broken?” Resolutions are made to mould ones character to the better by reflecting about himself/herself. I still wonder why this linked to New Year, or better still why wait till New Year.

Now, let us stop for a few seconds from our fast running life and give some thought to this. Let not 1st Jan be any other day of just a wish away, a resolution day….a new calendar day but remember;

New Year leads to new months in the year,

New month gives birth to new weeks,

New week trickles down to new days, new hours..

Enjoy and celebrate everyday of your life this year and ever year to come. If you are reading this you sure are blessed in life. Wish you the best of happiness in each NEW second of your life.


supernova said…
I shall take your advice, SB!!! :-)
Miss Iyer said…
Sooper duper. Welcome to blogosphere and have a great New 2007! :)
Ramya said…
hey gals, thanks. THis should bring me back from work on time.. :)

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