Loosing Virginity or loosing Originality

In a cultural and heritage driven country like ours, a woman is expected to be a virgin till her marriage. This was one of the primary reasons why in early days and in the sacred scripts the girl is given in marriage before her attaining her puberty. Every mantra uttered in hand of giving away a daughter in marriage to a man is in conjunction that the girl is as pure and yet to attain her puberty so that she is a complete virgin. That is the reason there were child marriages. Today’s wedding does not have any relevance to the manthras, except for the sapthapathi because we do not follow the rest of the given tradition of giving away the girl in marriage before her puberty.

Well, so what is expected in a typical Indian family from the woman who is newly wed? She is expected to loose her virginity – of course and next she is expected to always understand and mellow down in all facets of life post her wedding in the new home. All these were possible in the then and golden olden days. So why is it getting very difficult for a lady of this generation?

Very simple, the girl would have been a child and in the stage of getting mould into a fine lady. But today’s marriage happens after a woman sees the world around her; she develops her own personality and stabilizes herself in the society by the time she gets married. Shaping a clay when it is wet is easier than the one which is already set. So in essence, today the lady is also expected to loose her originality as she enters the new home.

Cheers!!! to those women of today who bridge and do not let go herself and yet manage her family in the same roof by understanding the values of the Indian Tradition and Values of life to always compromises her wishes for the family at large.


Mathangi said…
Gud one :) Yes it needs a gr8 deal of Balance between bit of Understanding & Compromise, letting go & standing for ur beliefs...a mix of all :)

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