ADHD and us all!

The new talk of the world, is about todays kids and how something is always a deficient in them.

Different terminologies are been developed and created as a platform for therapies. As i keep reading and hearing more on these lines of comparison to a generalized version of development; loads of doubts and questions arise on my head.

One such topic i would like to pen down here is ADHD. Its basically Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder. 

Currently AI revolution -
Well, to understand this in depth what i have concluded is we all posses this quality. So why tag these poor kids who are not given the vastness of learning from mother nature till age of 7? They are directly expected to have table manners, social etiquette and lots more of decorum by they are age of 3. What more to add they are expected to work like machines or robots only based on instructions.

Industrial revolution -
This expected every one to work like machines. Line control and work on machines, they never wanted a drop of creativity and hence the schools where designed to created a bunch of producers who will do only what was told. Well, Me coming from that generation of schooling, i have never understood this. For being creative in my terms to respond to questions, it was never appreciated. Again i never understood, teachers would just say " can u not just copy what is told and reproduce the same' .. No i cannot, and guess what? the budding confidence in me was lost.

Loosing originality of human brain structure -
Lost it, i just lost being a human even before i budded. At the ripe age of late to late 30s i realize now i am yet to bloom. School did do one thing it helped me get literate ( a big topic of its on difference between literacy and education). We new more as a human than what was shared in the movie called matrix and its series. Yes we knew ourself. And yes we have lost it, or atleast majority of us have lost it.

So what does ADHD have to do with the above segment and generation of learning and growing?
I thing we all have ADHD in some form or the other and unnecessarily taxing our kids and this generation ;parents and teachers.

Let me break it up for easy understanding.

 I took about 2 weeks to understand and observe me more than ever; just to realize I seek attention. Try to think about yourself as a reader here. Dont u want attention?
Dont we dress well so we get the attetion of people to acknowledge we are good looking?
Dont we women and men these days included makeup on skin and their hair doo for getting the attention they seek?
Dont we post the latest happening onto social media platforms so as to get attention of others to what we are doing in the 'inthing'?

Think, if we adults seek attention whats wrong with kids?
I realized these 2 weeks, i wanted attention too. I wanted attention from ones i love and loved. I wanted to be part of the groups and people whom i seek and craved for attention. I have been doing all funny things all my life to get the attention of people whom i wanted from. And suddenly when i stopped doing those crazy things, yes it hurts me as it a sudden shift in pattern. People find me irritating because i have not been doing all those loud participation and the jumped in conversation participation i used to do which was not warranted in the first place. And why did i do them? Simple, i craved attention from a group of people whom i wanted it from.

Deficit -
What a negative word ever. When there is soo much of abundance round us, i wonder why this word was even tagged.  Nevertheless, yes we feel devoid or deficit of something in our life when we seek approval from the one we want, and in the process if we have not got that approval; there is a big rejection assumed and hence a deficit. A low energy level which we loose our confidence in what we want to accomplish.  Yes, i have observed this too. Its easier for me to pen this down here while i have realized its taking time for me to move out of this.
From child hood we are told, 'good' only if we listen to others and got the necessary approval from the ones who are supposedly head of the family. And in the process all the so called elders by purely biological age factor while experiential one may be much younger.

Hyperactive -
Wow, being active is a good thing in everyone. which means it has the spark and the fire to archive what we are passionate about. Yes, today also we talk about hitler, why he was hyperactive to procure something in his example its a destructive one. So how can we optimize this hyperactivity in an individual to more constructive outcomes?
By suppressing my activeness all i have realized is; i have become more bored out of life and nothing actually ever impresses me or enthusiasts me. And overall have landed up being immune to just no response to anything that could be after all an exciting experience.

Disorder -
Who created order and sequence?
Some of us are good in logical processing, some of us are good at art, some of us are good at structural engineering, some of us in numbers and so on.. there is no one size fit all. Even our fingerprints are not the same. Why are we not allowed to celebrate the uniqueness in each of us?

Well, in my journey of reflection on myself these 14 days, i have noted that, there is no right or wrong way in anything, everything is right in each and every individuals observation and understanding of life. So, then disorder does not exist in any development as long as basics are all met in a given time span rather than the order itself.

I am only human and i am just a woman, as the song goes, yes i am also have ADHD. Just the way we are all made up on the 5 elements of nature, so is this also built in to each of us, Some of us are smart in not showing it up clumsily, and some others like me may land up getting crazy to get attention.

So my final observation on ADHD in each of us is, the more become ADHD we loose sight and focus on what other important things in life, Such as our own health may be. And land up giving full undivided attention to what we want as approval from others. Lets learn to accept everything as they are and move on in our journey.

Happy 2019.


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