Spiritual awakening... Midnight

Tonights the night of my spiritual awakening to the next level of my souls journey.

Just as the song 'silent night' rings into my ear; the night vigil or sivarathiri or tahajjud; in which ever you look into. All of them have similarity towards the sipirual awakening at middle of the night.

Who ever said being awake at nights is not a good sign?

Its the time when you can reflect on yourself without disturbances. Today, with the door bell ringing from milk man to maid to cable to water vendor and to constant beeps of personal handphones; there is no time better than midnight when whole world aorund you, once the internet is disconnected; is fast asleep.

Each of us need time to relect on our spiritual journey of life. Prayers in my opinion used to be so; till probably our grandparents days. Since today prayers are; either fear based or a demand of materialistic things. Lets use the paceful time of the night to work on ourselves.

Firstly, many thanks to all of you who have been in my path of my souls journey. Each of you have had a reason and a meaning why i have interacted with u. While i used to not understand it much in detail. The intuitive part of me always knew it. 
Even a random stranger as an auto wala i would feel connected to my intution and strongly believed, there has been some reason why i had met him that day.

While i have always asked my mother the question - why i was born?
Many a times she has tried to answer me as i crossed each stage of my hardships. Even the time i knocked the doors to hell or heven and i was still a teen, she told me there is a higher life purpose for me.

In one another night owl i stayed exactly a month ago, for the first time ever i missed my mom. Neither during school days or after being married have i ever missed her. But missed her a lot last month. And i realised that was my home. Home, from where i was born into this earth. 

Today reitrating those words deep into me - yes i am born for the highest good in my souls journey.

For those of you who dint understand a word of what i have shared here. Please excuse, for this is my experiance from exposure and observation of my journey in this janma (birth).


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