When life becomes transactional

Next moment has always been unpredictable, unfortunately till we foresee a physical demise in front of our own eyes particularly a loved one, understanding this concept is generally tough. Having said about unpredictability, today in #covid situation faced all over the world, we all are aware of the fact more clearly; what is the true meaning of unpredictability.

However, I could not stop myself today but to pen this down about life turned transactional.

What is the true dictionary meaning of transactional? Means a give and take or take and give. Eg, mostly it was referred only for financial reasons since you pay for a product or service and that's called a transaction. But why I am I saying life itself has become transactional? Are we buying and selling amongst our own kith and kin?

The non cash transactions are flooded, 

You greet me I will greet you
You smile at me I will smile at you
You hit me I will hit you back
You gifted me so I have to gift you back
You fed me so I have to service you back
You identified a flaw in me I will identify a flaw in you
You love me then I will love you
You buy me food I will think of returning it back....
You make money for me then I will make home for you....

Nature has given us AIR, WATER, SPACE, EARTH, HEAT, who are we to make a charge for something thats naturally available?

The list goes endless, in local terms its probably called tit for tat. How ever this may sound very lame or childish, I see a lot of this faced despite the fact we dont know who is going to be around with us the next day ALIVE.

This is beyond expectations, it may sound like revenge which is destructive on the outside , verbally or emotionally or physically. It can also get into a dangerous self inflicting guilt aspect and brooding over it internally which is mental illness. Sadly most of us fall in the second half.

Which in my final conclusion is communication issue. Either one things too high in their communication skills and the other is sabotaged.

Where and why are we missing this crucial piece in our life and loosing the peace in both mind and body? 

Could we call it lack of parenting skills when we were kids?
Could we call it lack of education about forgiveness?
Could we call it Media always only pointing finger at the other and never lookin in self correction and reflection?

May be one or many of the above. But what stops us in reflecting on ourselves when when we become adults? When we cannot self reflect what is the point in calling ourselves adults in the first place?

I have only tons of questions here for i am still trying to understand where i am contributing in this heading called "When life becomes transactional..... what are we teaching the next generation on how to lead beautiful supporting one and another or only making it more transactional?"

When life becomes transactional.... JOY steps of not just the door but also every other window of our lives.


Unknown said…
Well penned. The truth that we
refuse to see proclaimed in style.
Keep writing Dear Friend.
Great analysis. Much needed.

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