Love Letter to myself

While i am a total old school and prefer to draft out or write out on paper and pen. I choose today to type here a love letter to myself. I wish to reread it at a later date.

I wonder how it would be to write a letter to myself and that too a love note. Well you may think why i got cranky as such, but this is out of a group i joined and lovely people sharing gratitude to each and everything we have in our life currently, that we take it sooo for granted.

Dedicating this post to each and everyone who are part of the gratitude group and to each of you who have understood the true love within you. SO here i go,

To my dearest Ramya,

I want you to know i love you loads and as i start to write this letter realized i have missed out appreciating you for all that you do. 

You have an air of taking things as it comes. Today I wish to tell you that lots of people whom you have chosen in your life as important and their beliefs has made you feel that, a casual affair to take it as it comes is wrong. One should be stressed and should keep planning and preparing for the worst. Please note dear love just be the way you have been and your true self, it is a casual affair, take it as it comes for you are a challenger and you face your life always which deeper side of you no one else but you are aware off. you are right prepare for the best, not the worst.

I love you in nature, for you are so free and relaxed and composed and bounce back in the most natural way. You have a lovely craving to nature that I awe while sitting inside a concrete closed room. ITs okay what the world thinks, money and materialistic things are just another means of exchange and useful, you have always known it and you will always know it for giving respect to nature, nature will respect back and give fresh air, healthy foods, clean water, and so on each of which is free of cost. So be the same free person my love for i love you loads when you are in nature.

I love that child in you who is always curious. Curiosity makes you to learn and grow each day. Yes dear love, keep that fire in your belly to learn and grow each day. let that light in you grow to learn for you will be the light in someone's life, even just one person who actually needed that torch to show the way. Lead the way dear love, you are filled with information as you learn. If there is one thing i am going you tell you dear love, apply all that you have learnt for its time to restart and revisit your life at this juncture as you read my love note to you.

I love you my love, for you being the most laziest person on the face of this earth, you can just laydown and gaze the stars, you can just sit on the shore and fell calm while the sea rustles, you can climb up the mountain top (despite physical challenges which is not seen outside, despite your own family saying oh! you cannot climb that far) and you manage to just to take that fresh breath and the lovely view top down is breathtaking making you realize we are a tiny speck in this massive creation of the universe. What a wonderful feeling you feel inside you, and you have never expressed it outside makes you look too lazy. For i love this lazy crazy you, which brings out the most creative side of you. I here by like to tell you dear love, that you are never lazy , that's you in perfect harmony. You are a symphony bridging the creative and bold side of you to work by means of being lazy at times. Pause and turn back to each day as you retired to sleep dear Ramya, you will realize how much you have accomplished despite feeling the laziness which you feel.

I want you to know I love you for your courage and boldness, which makes you face the worse challenges that many do not overcome. The challenges that you have faced is tremendous from your childhood onwards. In this last decade when you have started meeting and opening up to so many different people and listening to each of their emotions is when you started to melt into yourself, that you have faced issues more than each of them. While you have won over them with grit, why did you let it affect you? you let it tell you that you have faced more but you forgot you got over it. Why did you let that emotion eat you up dear love? Why did you have to compare? I want you to realize the true you who have only overcome things and never giving in to petty distractions. Bounce back dear Ramya, i still love you and come here to also show you and remind you your true power. Let the world call it luck. You need not get back and correct them. You know deep inside you for i am that voice telling you you are doing your best and the rest will and has to fall in place. Keep doing what you need to, three cheers to you is not sufficient dear, here are my hugs for the bold and courageous person will surly look rugged and unapproachable. So many think everything is okay, deep inside you are the most humble and rare and unique gem. 

Humble and generous you are and you wish to treat each and everyone the same, never apart. Where does this duality come in is something you have never understood. I love you for knowing the truth that we are all one of the same light or the divine or god what ever one wishes to call it. You always have had it in you. Yes, its challenging when others don't understand that that's the true you, be that anyways. At least you will not depart with a lie and regret filled life.

Healing is your way of life, you hid that when you were a child thinking someone may laugh at you, for as is many were laughing at you. You knew the energies, you blocked them away. Dear love, shower light on it, for you are and you can understand it deeper. I love the way you can feel the distress in the other when connected, its not easy to understand and to be understood on these lines. Earth has always healed you and you know how you connect to mother earth. I love you the way you love mother earth.

I have a endless list on the lovely things i wish to talk and tell you about. But i wish to tell one last thing, anger, you have anger coming out of you. Do not shun it. I am going to repeat do not shut it out, Let it flow. I know about you, you cry it out, you write it out, you speak it out in the corner of the room, you tear the paper out, you write you scream too.. and you come out with a beautiful analysis. Let the analyst look into it and suggest you as always the path from within your intuition to get out of the pattern that creates that anger. Find your solution just as always.

I love the way you are connected to your intuitions, let it flow, let anger come to its own terms and fetch you the solution via your intuitions. I love you girl, you are beautiful soul or spirit who never makes up both physically or mentally. (no makeover) You speak your mind and yes that may be a challenge for others that is also no makeover. i love u ramya, learn to respect and please yourself too... with this note i am saying to you how incredible and amazing you are dear......... love u loads, love ramya


Unknown said…
Lovely writeup Ramya👌👌👌
Unknown said…
God bless you dear friend. 🙏
Thank you for sharing this.

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