Near Yet Far ... Far yet near

Digitization is such a wonderful means to connect with the ones far and feel the warmth of being near.  It sure is a blessing. However, not at the cost of the time with a loved one sitting right next to you. Or is that person to be treated afar rather than to be a near and dear one?

Sitting next to your loved one but looking into a text. 

Sitting next to your friend but watching TV.

Sitting next to your child but laughing at a status post on FB.

Sitting next to your guest who has entered home but listening to music!

Well these are all Movie time or tv time or entertainment time, but never family time. Smiling conversation and pleasant patient responses helps bond irrespective of age. What is the rush? Which train of death are we running behind to give that rush into things that are near than the ones that are far?

Near your beach, enjoy the waves....

Near your spouse, look into their eyes to have a quality conversation..

Near your child, drop everything and never stop to correct them but flow with it.

Near your parent/grandparent, be blessed to listen to the same story again so we dont need another NGO to tell us we need to volunteer at a old age home.

Near yourself, breathe and feel your life,,,

Near your friend be with that person and laugh...

Be so engrossed that you don't remember anything else that moment than that one soul. Lets not make the near far so that we go in search of the far to make your near and dear.


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